Maximizing Long-Term Care Benefits by Repositioning Life Insurance Funds with Katie Diemer Insurance

Katie Diemer
Katie Diemer
Published on August 1, 2024

As people approach retirement, their financial needs and priorities often shift. Many individuals initially purchase life insurance policies to cover debts, support young children, or pay off mortgages. However, moving into retirement, the need for life insurance may diminish, and the focus may shift toward protecting against the emotional and financial implications of long-term care (LTC). One strategic solution is to reposition funds from existing life insurance policies to cover long-term care needs. 

The Strategic Shift from Life Insurance to Long-Term Care 

Case Study #1: Husband & Wife, Ages 56 & 58Β 

πŸ‘‰ Situation: 

● Current Life Insurance Policy: $150,000 cash value, $300,000 death benefit.

● Current Life Stage: Kids are grown, house is paid off, moving closer to retirement.

● Concern: Avoid being a burden on their children and manage future care costs without depleting assets. 

● Misconceptions of LTC Policies: Expensive, premiums increase with age, filing claims is cumbersome. 

βœ… Solution: By repositioning the funds from their current life insurance policies into a hybrid life insurance-LTC policy, this couple can better leverage their resources and truly have a comprehensive retirement plan. 

● Tax-Free Rollover: Move $150,000 cash value to the new policy, 100% tax-free, with no ongoing premiums. 

● Immediate Benefits: 

β—‹ LTC Benefit Pool: $555,000, tax-free. 

β—‹ Guaranteed Growth: The LTC benefit grows at a guaranteed 3% compounding rate, reaching $1,100,000 by age 80. 

β—‹ Death Benefit: Should they never need to use the LTC and pass away, the death benefit of $187,000 would be paid out to their beneficiaries (down from $300,000, but covers this big gap in their retirement plan and protects their nest egg). 

● Outcome: The couple sacrifices some death benefits but gains substantial LTC benefits, protecting their nest egg and relieving their children of potential caregiving burdens. 

As we age, planning for unexpected health needs becomes increasingly critical. Statistics show that 70% of individuals over 65 will require some form of long-term care during their lifetime. Despite this, many overlook long-term care insurance, leaving them vulnerable to potentially the largest risk of bankruptcy in retirement.

Case Study #2: Single Male, Age 69Β 

πŸ‘‰ Situation: 

● Current Life Insurance Policy: $300,000 cash value, $400,000 death benefit.

● Current Life Stage: High net worth, self-insures LTC costs, finds LTC policies expensive. 

● Goal: Better leverage funds for future LTC needs without tax implications. 

βœ… Solution: By rolling over the $300,000 cash value into a hybrid life/LTC policy, this individual can optimize his resources to cover long-term care. 

● Immediate Benefits: 

β—‹ LTC Benefit Pool: $800,000, tax-free. 

β—‹ Guaranteed Growth: The benefit grows at 3% compounding annually, reaching nearly $1,300,000 by age 85. 

β—‹ Death Benefit: $300,000 (down from $400,000, but covers this big gap in his retirement plan and protects his nest egg). 

β—‹ Additional Security: If he uses all of the LTC benefits and then passes away, there is a guaranteed minimum death benefit of $50,000 that will go to his beneficiaries no matter what. If he uses some benefits and passes away, it will be prorated accordingly between $300,000 and $50,000. 

● Outcome: He sacrifices $100,000 in death benefit for a significantly higher LTC benefit. He will ultimately protect his assets and the estate he has worked so hard to build while maintaining ultimate freedom and flexibility. 

Key Benefits of Repositioning Life Insurance Funds 

1. Tax-Free Advantages: Funds moved from life insurance policies to LTC policies are utilized 100% tax-free, both during the rollover and when benefits are received.

2. Guaranteed Value and Benefits: LTC policies guarantee all values and benefits, unaffected by market conditions. Premiums, death benefits, LTC values, and inflation rates are fixed and secure. 

3. Cash Indemnity LTC Benefits: Once qualified, all benefits are paid directly to the policyholder, tax-free, with complete flexibility in spending. 

4. Preserved Value: Even if LTC benefits are not utilized, a death benefit is still paid to beneficiaries, ensuring no loss of value. 


Repositioning funds from life insurance policies into LTC coverage can be a strategic move for those approaching retirement. It provides tax advantages, guaranteed benefits, and peace of mind, ensuring that individuals and their families are financially protected against the high costs of long-term care. The average cost of long-term care in the United States varies depending on the type of care and location. For example, the median cost for a private room in a nursing home is approximately $108,405 annually, while the median cost for a private room in an assisted living community is approximately $54,000 per year. This is an area of your retirement plan where you don’t want to roll the dice! For personalized advice and detailed strategies on optimizing your long-term care plan, contact your insurance and retirement specialist, Katie Diemer. I’m here to help you navigate your retirement planning effectively and help you secure a stress-free financial future. Remember, knowledge is power! ✍️

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