Myths vs. Facts: Understanding Life Insurance with Katie Diemer

Katie Diemer
Katie Diemer
Published on September 16, 2024

Life insurance is one of the most important tools in your financial planning toolkit, yet many people are misinformed about its true value and purpose. In this blog, I’ll tackle some of the most common myths about life insurance and shed light on the facts, so you can make informed decisions for you and your family’s future.

Myth 1: “I have a term policy—that’s good enough.”
Fact: Whether a term policy is “good enough” really depends on your long-term goals.

Many people mistakenly believe that a term policy is all they need, but it’s essential to understand what you’re signing up for. A term policy typically provides coverage for a specific period—often 10, 20, or 30 years—after which it expires. If you outlive the policy and still need coverage, you may find yourself unprotected or facing much higher premiums.

Additionally, I’ve seen cases where individuals thought they had purchased a whole life policy, but later discovered it was actually term coverage. This can happen when policy details aren’t fully explained by the agent. Always be sure you understand exactly what you’re getting and how it fits into your long-term financial strategy.

Myth 2: “The life insurance I get through work is enough.”
Fact: Employer-provided life insurance can be a great benefit, but it often falls short of what’s truly needed.

Typically, employer life insurance policies offer coverage equal to 1-2 times your annual salary, which might not be enough to support your family long-term. What would happen if your family suddenly lost your income? Would they be able to cover mortgage payments, education costs, and daily living expenses?

It’s important to have a separate policy outside of your workplace, especially since you may lose your coverage if you change jobs or retire. Having your own policy ensures consistent protection for your loved ones, no matter what.

Myth 3: “My kids are young—they don’t need life insurance yet.”
Fact: Life insurance isn’t just for adults; securing a policy for your child while they’re young can lock in lower premiums and offer long-term benefits.

When you purchase a policy for a young child, you’re able to lock in an affordable rate that can last a lifetime. As your child grows, the cash value of a permanent life insurance policy can increase and provide them with financial flexibility in the future. Whether they need to access funds for education, a business venture, or a home purchase, life insurance can offer valuable benefits beyond just coverage.

Additionally, health issues can develop unexpectedly, which could make obtaining affordable life insurance more difficult later in life. Securing coverage early helps safeguard their financial future.

Myth 4: “Life insurance costs too much.”
Fact: Life insurance can be more affordable than you think.

Many people overestimate the cost of life insurance. In reality, premiums can be quite affordable, especially if you’re young and healthy when you apply. Term policies, in particular, offer significant coverage at a low cost, while whole life policies can build cash value over time, providing both protection and financial growth.

It’s important to remember that the cost of not having life insurance—leaving your loved ones without financial security—can far outweigh the price of monthly premiums.

Myth 5: “I already have a policy—I don’t need to review it.”
Fact: Regularly reviewing your life insurance policy is crucial to ensuring it still meets your needs.

Life changes, and so do your financial obligations. Whether you’ve had changes in income, added children to your family, bought a home, or faced health issues, your policy may need to be adjusted to keep up with your current situation.

For example, a policy you took out in your 20s may no longer provide sufficient coverage if you’ve since married, had kids, or taken on a mortgage. A quick review with me can ensure your coverage is still aligned with your goals and that your family is adequately protected.

Myth 6: “I don’t care what happens—my family will figure it out.”
Fact: Planning ahead is the most loving thing you can do for your family.

It’s a common misconception that family members will “figure it out” when the time comes. However, without life insurance, your loved ones may be left dealing with significant financial burdens during an already emotional and stressful time. Funeral costs, outstanding debts, and day-to-day expenses can quickly add up, potentially leaving them in a challenging situation.

By taking the time to plan now, you’re ensuring your family has the financial support they need when it matters most. Life insurance provides peace of mind and stability during a difficult period.

Conclusion: Make Informed Decisions About Life Insurance

Understanding the myths vs. facts surrounding life insurance is essential to protecting your family and your future. Whether you need to secure a new policy, review an existing one, or simply explore your options, taking the time to educate yourself can make all the difference.

Don’t let common misconceptions prevent you from protecting the ones you love. Reach out to me, Katie Diemer, today to discuss your life insurance options and ensure you’re making the best choice for your family’s financial security!

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